Famous Ancient Egyptian Masterpieces From Different Egyptian Museums

February 23, 2012

reliefs from the tomb of Nefermaat and Atet

reliefs from the tomb of Nefermaat and Atet

The mastaba of Nefer-Maat, who was a son of King Senefru and a brother of Khufu, contained beautiful mural representations of deep relief, filled with colored paste.
This new technique was invented by Nefer-Maat, but was never used again because the inlays pasta, cracked and finally fell to the ground. These representations show a hunting scene in the desert on the one hand, and the work of other migratory birds and agriculture. The chapel of his wife in the same grave ATET was the famous painting "Meidum Geese" scene that shows three pairs of geese feeding in the grass, however wonderful colored minerals.


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