Famous Ancient Egyptian Masterpieces From Different Egyptian Museums

February 23, 2012

Statue of Rahotep and Nofret

Statue of Rahotep and Nofret

Rahotep could have been a son of King Senefru and, therefore, a brother of King Cheops. He held the title of high priest of Re at Heliopolis, army general and Chief of Construction.
Seen here wearing a skirt, short hair, a mustache, and a heart-shaped amulet around his neck.
Rahotep wife, Nofret, is described as "one to the king." She is seen wearing a wig of shoulder length, adorned with a wreath and a large collar. Her natural hair can be seen under the wig.
We recognize the distinction in the skin color of the two statues: reddish brown to man and washing cream for women. It was an artistic convention followed throughout ancient Egyptian history. The colors are well preserved and faces are realistic expressions.
The torchlight reflecting on the inlaid eyes with these two statues of workers caused first considered to be afraid.

Dimensions: Height 121 cm Length 69 cm Width 51 cm


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